Looking for the best baby shower gifts? You will find something for any budget, some are personalized & even handmade.
If you are planning ahead or know the baby’s name already, personalizing your gift makes it beautiful & thoughtful.
For last minute gifts, order from Amazon & they will get it delivered to you quick!
Here are the best baby shower gifts. Am I missing something? Let me know!
Baby’s First Photo Album
My daughter still loves her very first photo album!
When she was little, it was a great way to remember family that lived far away.
Now, it’s a treasured keepsake of all her favorite people holding her when she was a brand new baby!
Heirloom Baby Bonnets & Handmade Hats
These handmade baby hats will not only get everyone oohing & ahhhing at the baby shower, they also make beautiful keepsakes.
Depending on which style you choose, you can sometimes pick your own color combination.
Many are custom made to order, but can still be ready to ship in just 2-4 days!
Need them sooner – you can even choose to “Rush” your order.
Click on the photo of your favorite.
This adorable baby bonnet (hat only) is available in 30 different colors in sizes up to 12 months.
This cute little frog hat is my personal favorite.
You can find more adorable baby hats here, but I just couldn’t resist one more… this amazing baby Yoda hat!
Hand Painted Wood Growth Chart Ruler
A friend of mine received a gorgeous wooden growth chart personalized for her baby girl.
For the quality & the hand made touch, these are priced amazingly well.
And because it’s customized, even if you don’t know the baby’s name yet, you can still choose a color or a style that matches the personality of the family.
World’s Cutest Burp Cloths & Bibs
I dare you to find a cuter burp cloth & bib set.
It’s all about the presentation!
If you are crafty, you can probably figure out how to put these together yourself.
But the price is so great, that you don’t need to!
Now your only problem is how to pick from the many many many adorable choices…
Go on – you can get 2 or 3!
Terrycloth Baby Bath Robe
Every baby needs an adorable bath robe.
Make bath time a fun experience for both mom and baby with this soft terrycloth bath robe for baby.
This robe is the cutest little scary shark, complete with dorsal fin and tail!
The robe closes in front with two terrycloth ties.
The shark comes in PINK or BLUE can even be personalized with baby’s name.
Not a shark fan? There are many adorable animals to choose from – like this cute elephant bath robe.
Birthday Keepsake
The picture does not do this book justice!
It is a wonderful KEEPSAKE journal & so easy for parent’s to update.
There is a section for each birthday until the child is 18 to include favorite quotes, party themes, guests, gifts and photos.
Forget a baby book that sits in the cupboard for months (years!) – this hard cover Birthday Book provides a lifetime of memories. #1 choice for Best Baby Shower Gifts under $10.
Blooming Baby Bath
What an adorable way to give new baby a bath!
A great alternative to traditional baby bath tubs, this super soft & cuddly bath keeps baby happy and comfortable during bath time.
Fits most sink sizes & recommended for infants 0 to 6 months.
Hate hot pink? It also comes in canary yellow, turquoise blue and ivory!
Ultimate Swing
SAVE your favorite new parents from driving baby around in the car to fall asleep! This ultimate baby chair is not your 1970’s baby swing! The 2012 model has 5 unique motions based on real parental movements!
It also has any other convenience you can think of: built-in nature sounds and an MP3 hookup, seat reclines to any position, fabric (both plush and nylon) is easy to remove and machine washable, detects obstructions & won’t run if recline is unlocked.
Available in a variety of colors & fabrics.
If you’re looking for more swing choices, you can click here for my recommendations for choosing the best baby swing.
Travel Crib – Light
Yes, there is a full-size travel crib with mattress within this bag!
Must-have for parents who travel frequently or who use childcare, so baby can comfortably & safely sleep away from home. If you don’t have experience with a travel crib, let me tell you it needs to be easy to open/close and quick/intuitive to assemble.
The last thing anyone needs during a trip or after a long day is to struggle with putting the crib together (Pack N Play: been there, done that, not fun!).
Don’t pay for extras like “changing tables” – parents need a travel crib to be light to carry & simple to setup.
Expandable Tote
You will not find this on any baby registry, but it is one of the best items I received!
My mother-in-law gave this one to me & it is my go-to bag.
Diaper bags are great, but this bag is much more versatile.
It folds up very small, so I often put it inside my carry-on luggage & then unfold it once I am through airport security to separate items I will need for baby during the flight (under my seat) from items I may not necessarily need (extra diapers, change of clothes, etc).
It can further expand by releasing the zipper in the middle to allow for 50% + more space!
It is not cheap (well known French brands never are!), but you are getting quality in return – the nylon wipes clean, the leather straps do not break or fray. 3 years later & heavily used, mine still looks brand new.
- Best Couples Baby Shower Games
- Top 10 Funny Baby Shower Games
- Top 5 Free Baby Shower Games
- 10 Worst Amazon Products for Your Child
Scattergories Cards

Want me to send you these baby shower scattergories cards?