In my life before kids, I had plenty of time to spend in the kitchen baking dozens of sweet treats of the holidays.
This year with 2 little ones to chase after, my baking time is limited!
Thanks to Betty Crocker, we can quickly & easily prepare delicious cookies for special occasions like this #SpreadCheer challenge!
If you want to enjoy time with the kids & teach them that holiday giving is just as important as holiday GETTING, join us in this #SpreadCheer challenge!
Step 1: Print your coupon & buy Betty Crocker’s cookie pouch.
Step 2: Have fun baking with the kids!
Step 3: Print out these pretty gift tags & wrap up your cookies.
Step 4: Deliver the delicious cookies to unsuspecting friends & neighbors.
Congratulations! You’ve just brightened up someone’s day & showed your kids how great it feels to GIVE. #SpreadCheer
What are you planning to do with your kids this holiday to #SpreadCheer?
Will you take advantage of the deliciously easy Betty Crocker cookie pouch?
Tweet me & let me know about your holiday plans.
Scattergories Cards

Want me to send you these baby shower scattergories cards?